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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Ministry of Truth

There is only one truth and that is whatever we say it is. We will crush the truth out of web and what remains will be whatever insipid thing we deem the rakyat is able to digest without constipating.

But first the 3 amigos below need to be meeting everyday rather than every month. What lazy fuckers. Not good enough for Super UMNO.

And those opposition dumb fucks haven't even cotton on that we are using the government for party work. Ka Ka. The govt = BN in all ways.

Next on the agenda, controlling the water in Selangor.

Hisham, Nazri, Rais to head anti-false news panel

The Home Ministry has set up a committee to formulate the government's communication strategy besides thwarting the dissemination of false news by irresponsible people.

azlanIts minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the committee was also made up of Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Mohamed Nazri Aziz and Information Communication and Culture Minister Rais Yatim.

He said the committee's secretariat was housed at the legal affairs division of the Prime Minister's Department.

"The government believes that if lies and false news churned out by irresponsible people continue unabated, these irresponsible people will think they are right while the public will continue to be deceived," he told reporters in Putrajaya today.

The committee met for the first time three days ago, during which it decided to create a high-level task force and meet at least once a month, he said, adding that Nazri and Rais attended the meeting.

Hishammuddin said the committee also discussed amendments to the laws, training of investigating officers, treatment of witnesses and the definition of false news.

In another development, Hishammuddin said the Home Ministry would implement the police station league to adjudge the performance and services of police stations nationwide.

"Police stations which display excellent performance will receive a recognition while the officers and policemen will receive incentives.

"This is aimed at promoting an excellent work culture and a healthy competition among police stations," he added.

- Bernama

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