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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Super UMNO

I am fed up with UMNO. They simply aren't UMNO enough!
They are not defending my interest at all. Just giving in all the time

I am forming a new party, Super UMNO.

Criteria for Membership

1. Must speak Malay in public and English in private, in interviews and when speaking to the press
2. Must have cosmopolitan friends in private only
3. Must be educated in Britain
4. Must hobnob with the rich of all races in private but be a Tuan in public (preferably with Keris)
5. Must have an apartment/home in London
6. Must know how to reward people who vote for you

Criteria can be expanded or changed at any time

Voting for the ~President

Very easy, each state will choose one delegate.

Those 13 delegates will then choose the President of the Super UMNO party.

Simply! No need of one member one vote. And the Supreme Council (comprising these 13 people) can also postpone Super UMNO elections indefinitely so member don't need to attend boring meeting and have pesky elections to vote for. Just leave it to the leadership, we know best.

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